Victoria Court Dental of Bible Hill

Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings in Bible Hill

If you develop cavities in your teeth, it’s essential to visit your dentist to have them filled before they worsen. Holes attract bacteria that will eat away at the teeth, eventually penetrating the dental pulp and causing a tooth infection.

What Type of Material Is Used for a Dental Filling?

While there are many types of material that can be used for dental fillings, the most popular is composite resin. The resin is applied to the hole in soft resin form and then hardened with a curing light. Because the filling material is matched to the colour of your natural teeth, composite fillings are virtually invisible in your mouth.

How to Take Care of Your Fillings

Your fillings can last for many years with proper dental care. We recommend brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing daily between your teeth and gums. Dark-coloured beverages such as coffee, tea and cola can stain composite fillings, so try to limit their consumption.

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